The Loft Studio is a beautifully warm and cozy space that invites a play of masculine and feminine energy with its huge windows and vintage rustic floors. Located just outside of Salt Lake City in Lehi, Utah. With the cold chill and dusting of snow that's usually on the ground during February, I knew this would be the perfect place for Alexandria and Seth to document these last bits of time together that is just the two of them, as well as celebrating the sacredness of creating a new vessel for the magical soul that will thrive inside.

The Journey from maiden to mother is the most beautiful journey any woman can take. Though it is not taken without hardships. One of the things Alexandria expressed is her complicated relationship with her body image. I felt that many could relate and wanted to share her thoughts with you today.

words from Alexandria

" I have a very complicated relationship with my physical body. I simultaneously adore it for what it has been through and survived and absolutely loathe it for the exact same reason. It's an interesting balance. Every day brings something different. Some days I feel really strong and powerful and totally in love with everything on me and every imperfection. I can be very empowering. Then there are other days that I feel really icky and gross. My skin doesn't feel right. It feels that no matter how much I shower I can't get clean. I'm sure that anyone that has experienced any kind of sexual abuse would know exactly what I am talking about. It feels like no matter what you do you can't cleanse your body. That's been difficult to balance, of course, and it makes it even harder on those hard days to appreciate my body. To try to view it more than what it looks like physically.

I can't tell you how helpful it has been to be married to a man that continually reassures me of how beautiful he thinks I am. That I really am so much more than this body.

I've come to realize that it's truly just a vessel that holds all of our magic. That's what I choose to focus on, on those hard days. "

With the expression of knowing that Alexandria had a complicated relationship with her body, I made the intentional effort that inside of my questionnaire to ask her how much skin she was comfortable showing. I never want anyone to feel uncomfortable during our time together. I am there, yes, to document this chapter of your life, but most importantly I am there to empower and support you along this journey.

venue: The loft studio FLorals: branches floral design Floral concept: jessica white

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Hi, I’m Jade - a motherhood and family photographer servicing Maryland, DC, Virginia, West Virginia, and beyond. Nature, slow living, being a mother, divine self expression, and pure poetic human connection all make my soul soar !

Expecting? Check out my art & reach out to learn more.
salt lake city studio maternity photography
Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography
Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography

" I’ve never felt more beautiful or capable than I have these last 8 months. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t thank God for the blessings that are my baby and my body. " - Alexandria

Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography
Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography
Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography
Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography
Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography
Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography
Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography
Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography
Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography
Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography
Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography
What is one thing about each other that you can not live without?

Alexandria: The amount of peace he brings me. No one calms my mind and soul like him.

Seth: Her passion for everything.

how was your experience while finding out you were expecting? How did you tell Seth?

We found out together. The first test I took had the faintest second line so we immediately went to the store and bought a digital test. Seeing the word “pregnant” is a moment I’ll never forget. My knees buckled and we just held each other and cried tears of joy on the floor for a long time.

What has been your favorite part about the pregnancy?

Alexandria: Feeling him move and dreaming of the future.

Seth: Seeing how excited she has been every step of the way to be a mom.

Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography
Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography
Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography
Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography
Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography
Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography

" thank you so much! We found out on Monday that he’s breech after being head down for months and we attempted to manually flip him in the hospital tonight. It didn’t work unfortunately so it was really nice to get to see these afterward. They’re beautiful! "

Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography
Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography
Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography

What makes The Loft Studio different is that they have two different rooms included in the rental price. A lot of studios usually only have one space or charge extra to use the secondary room.

Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography
Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography
Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography
Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography
Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography
Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography
Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography
Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography
Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography
Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography
Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography
Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography
What are you most excited about for the future?

Alexandria: To see what our son’s personality is like and to watch Seth become a dad. And baby snuggles. :)

Seth: Raising a strong son of God.

Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography
Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography
Salt Lake City Studio Maternity Photography